Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Love Is Now (2014)

 Love Is Now (2014)

"I've come to see our central nervous system as a vintage switchboard, thick foam wires and old fashion plugs.  When the circuitry isn't properly equipped with a surge of emotional information the system  overloads. The circuit breaks...the board runs dark. That's what shock is."

PLOT - Dean, a young photographer from Australia eager to start his career meets Audrey, a young beautiful fellow photographer one night and instantly it's love at first sight. The two fall head over heels for each other and Audrey finally urges Dean to join her to bicycle across the countryside over the summer. This is a trip she only did halfway about a year ago and feels this is exactly what Dean needs to inspire him to start taking truly amazing photos. The two set off, and instantly Dean becomes confused. Audrey seems distant, interested in other guys they meet, and is acting strangely. Unable to stop falling deeper and deeper in love with her, he begins to question the overall relationship while facing ghosts from his past, experiencing new things, and becoming the artist he's always wanted to be. After becoming weak, and suffering from horrible headaches, he begins to wonder what exactly is happening, and how he can stay with Audrey the love of his life.

"Did you feel it? When we met the world shifted."

LOWDOWN - This past summer I'm sure I'm not speaking for myself but I loved falling back into a world both wonderful and strange with Twin Peaks The Return. A event that's been 25+ years in the making. One character that quickly caught my attention was Richard Horne. This crazed young man who clearly had anger issues, and didn't give two shits about anyone but himself. Between him and Evil Cooper, I enjoyed the villains slightly more this season, and found they had the best storylines. Instantly I wondered who this skinny actor was, who I'll be the first to admit was pretty easy on the eyes. Looking him up, I found his name was Eamon Farren, a young Australian actor who worked both on stage and on the scene in dozens of really cool projects. I was blown away that Eamon as Australian since he perfectly hid his accent in Twin Peaks. As I was scrolling through his IMDB I saw that in 2012 he had worked with David Lynch's daughter Jennifer in the film Chained. This was a movie I checked out instantly since I'm a huge fan of Jennifer's. Eamon's performance was amazing as well as haunting, and I thought it was a shame he truly hadn't burst out on the film scene as of yet since clearly the guy had strong acting chops. I can only help now after The Return more directors will notice the guy and see what true talent he has. That's when I stumbled upon a movie he made in 2014. It was an Australian indepent made film called Love Is Now. After hearing hype about this film I watched the trailers and knew instantly I needed to see it.

I'll be the first to admit, I'm really not a big romance fan. Well written movies on the other hand I am. After looking the movie up I decided to order it overseas (kills me it isn't available in the US) and sat down a few weeks ago to finally watch it.

I was blown away.

This isn't just a love story. It's without spoiling anything, a true in depth view of how a person processes things, holds onto memories, witnesses life's experiences, and deals with the many curve balls life gives us. This movie had a twist some may say they saw coming, I on the other hand sensed what the twist was, but when they revealed it I was completely floored. It's been years since a movie's ending has truly done this to me as well as move me as much as this one did. 

It's a tragic tale that's beautifully shot on location in so many breathtaking places. Some of the scenes seriously look like living breathing art coming to life. The soundtrack is catchy and haunting (I downloaded several songs via I-Tunes and the best track has to be Father's Words. It's like a score from the mid 1980's and is absolutely beautiful.) I search high and low for well written scripts. This movie is one of the best I've witnessed in years. This shows a young man durning a very important journey in life, and how his deals with what's happening along side the girl he loves. This is the closest I'll come to loving a romance but I can't stress enough, this is a beautiful, tragic coming of age film that seems so natural, and a pleasure to see the main characters act out. 

Claire van der Boom as Audrey is beautiful, and the guide of this story. Her chemistry with Eamon is electrifying and intense. The ending will floor you and break you to pieces, but it's worth the watch. This is a movie that's stayed with me, and one I can't recommend enough to anyone. 

5 stars!

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