Top moments in horror
that made me cry like a baby
Yep, I'm that guy. I guess
I'm just overly emotional. I cry at the weirdest shit in the world.
It could just be the certain music cue, or just how a certain scene
was filmed and I'm a blubbering mess. On the other hand you pop in
Terms Of Endearment and I'm completely dry eyed through
the whole thing. I'm one odd duck...
Here is a list of some of
the oddest moments in horror that I've gotten misty eyed during...
Phantasm IV
I could honestly go on for
hours about this film series. Most of all this movie. I'm sure in the
future you'll see plenty of posts about them and my many odd theories
about the Phantasm universe. The one moment that stands
out the most to be is the last five minutes of the series. If you're
ever looking for a full circle payoff for any series of films, this
is it. A lot of people found the forth movie confusing and weird, I
on the other hand found it beautiful. The ending is always viewed
differently due to however you look at the movies, I see it as being
very simple. Michael came to terms with death and finally woke up to
reality. The last scene of Michael and Reggie when their younger
riding off into the darkness is truly haunting, along with the simple
and bitter sweet last lines “It's just the wind.”
Prom Night

I'm talking the original
here with Jamie Lee Curtis, none of this Brittany Snow bullshit. I
always found the last scene very tragic and sad. First I absolutely
loved the disco soundtrack. Yep that's right, the same four songs
playing over and over on a loop at the prom. I really loved the final
show down between the masked killer and Kim and Nick. The truly
haunting moment is when the killer is injured by Kim and locks eyes
with her, only seeing a horrible realization come across her as she
stares itno the killer's eyes. As the killer stumbles out with the
young teenagers screaming in horror, police sires sound as we watch
him have flashbacks to that faithful day when young Robin was teased
and pushed accidentally out the factory window. The horrible chanting
“Kill! Kill! Kill!” echoes over the soundtrack before the killer
drops and Kim rushes over. The identity is of the killer is revealed
as Kim cradles him in her arms and his last lines are broken and
hopeless, confessing why he committed the crimes that he did. As
'Fade To Black' plays I'm completely blubbering and a mess.
Psycho II
I'm a huge fan of this
very underrated sequel. The one scene that really makes me truly
emotional is when Norman believes his dead mother is running loose in
his house and locks himself along with Mary in the guestroom until
dawn. Together the two hold each other when Normal comments in a very
sweet and innocent manner that Mary smells like the tested cheese
sandwiches his mother used to make for him whenever he got sick. Here
Normal talks about how his mother used to do all kinds of nice things
for him before she went insane. Claiming that the doctors have taken
all his good memories of her, he admits the only one he stills has is
that distant memory of those sandwiches. I think this is the only
time I would tear up at the thought of a woman smelling like a
grilled cheese.
Pet Sematary II
I hate to admit this but I
get more upset whenever an animal dies than a child (is it scary to
think I work with children?) any who, Pet Sematary did
make the list for one certain emotional moment, but the one that tops
is has to be the guilty pleasure of a sequel. In fact I find this to
honestly be the only real moment in the film that wasn't completely
cheesy or over the top. This is the moment when that bastard Clancy
Brown shoots his stepson's dog. Maybe it was the song that played,
but whenever I see that chubby little kid sitting in the woods with
his dying dog in his lap I just go to pieces. (Side Note...I couldn't help but using this photo above. I mean really wtf is this?)
Stephen King is honestly
the master of scaring the life out of you and also making you want to
jump off a bridge from utter depression. What can I say? I love the
man. A few of his movies really did go deep and get pretty heavy
hitting, but with Carrie I find it to be one of the worst. After the
prom massacre Carrie returns home to take a bath and try to scrub
herself clean from her 'sins' and mess of that bloody night. Walking
out her insane mother almost in a trance confronts her and goes on
like a mad woman about the night she was conceived. Here Carrie
listens just like a small child as her mother opens her arms, for
once acting like a loving and comforting parent. Here they decide to
'Pray for the last time'. The moment Carrie's mother plunges the
knife into her daughter's back, and the look of utter shock and
despair that comes across her scares eyes makes the sharp music cue
even more effective.
An American Werewolf In
Even though this really is
a black comedy, the one moment that pulled on my heart strings was
when poor Alex runs ahead of the police and is slowly approaching
David in the dark alleyway. I guess it's the music that plays over
the soundtrack + Alex's speech to the wolf about how she loves him. I
honestly think the animal understood what she was saying (re-watch
the movie again and look at it's eyes and expression when she says
she loves him) and then the animal lunging itself at Alex before
getting shot down dead. An American Werewolf In London's
ending is pure perfection. I love the quick cut of David's naked body
before the very fast paced version of 'Blue Moon' plays over the
credits. I always found this ending very tragic but well suited for
such a film.
Day Of The Dead
This is my all time
favorite zombie movie, and the one scene that always gives me chills
is when the three leads are escaping up the old missile silo and just
as John begins to climb a zombie latches onto his foot, groaning and
trying to pull him down. That's when McDermott shoots down and kills
the zombie before looking at John and saying something along the
lines of “Gotta fly us to the promise land!” Just the music cue
when this happens and how the three of them continue climbing, just
Pet Sematary
Yep, this is the moment I
was talking about. At the very end when Louis knows he's brought back
a monster instead of his young son. Sitting in the hallway, he coaxes
the evil toddler over to him while having memories of how his son was
before he died. Just the look of pure horror and sadness of the
father's face when he sticks the syringe in the baby's neck and how
Gage let's out that terrible cry of pain. I'm sure for anybody who
has children this scene is ten times worse. Heavy stuff...
The Gift
This is truly Sam Raimi's
next masterpiece after Evil Dead II. The scene that
always brings a tear to my eye is when Buddy saves Annie and tells
her he escaped the mental hospital and now that he's free. Their
little talk in the truck always makes me very sad, mostly with the
big reveal after Annie goes to the police station.
One of my all time
favorite scenes in a movie has to be the 'Show me' scene in
Christine. Not only is is beautiful, it also gives me
goosebumps. I just love how beaten down the lead character is. He's
always getting shit on, and finally when he thought his life was
coming it all fell apart. Just watching him stare at the shattered
remains of his one true love is heartbreaking. I hate whenever he
leans against the car almost hugging it completely alone and says
“We'll make it all better...we'll show them.” It just goes to
show how lost and alone this one kid is and how powerful the
obsession of the car truly is.
The Hitcher
a shadow of a doubt, the original Hitcher is one of my
all time favorite movies ever made. Everything about this movie is
beautiful. I could make a whole list about my favorite
shots/moments/and theories from this one film. The one moment that
always brings somewhat of a tear to my eye is the very ending when
Jim and John go face to face on the highway at sunrise. I always
loved the soundtrack from this movie and how settle it was. Just the
shot of Jim staring down at John and gently stroking his face with
the shotgun before turning around. I love how John pops up, throwing
the chains and laughing and just the expression on Jim's face before
he whips around and fires the shotgun at John finally killing him.
John got what he wanted in the end, he pushed Jim to the edge. I love
how final that scene is and how silently Jim goes to the truck and
lights a cigarette knowing the nightmare is over as the credits roll.
The Fog
moment didn't exactly make me cry, but I always do get chills. It's
the scene at the end when everything is all over and everyone steps
out of the church and Andy the little boy points and says “Look!
It's going away!” I always loved the final message Stevie gave at
her radio station and the theme that played over the darkness of the
ocean. Such a great movie with such a simple idea.
The Entity
is truly one of the most disturbing movies I own. The one moment I
always feel so crushed and devastated for a character is at the near
end when our lead who's been through Hell and back is waiting for the
next attack in the fake setup of her house. I love the speech she
gives saying that it can do whatever it wants to her, even kill
her...but it can't ever have her again. I always found it very
powerful how she just got up and walked out alone, ignoring the help
and even the handsome young doctor. I loved how she faced her fears
despite the fact the horrible problem hadn't gone away. Talk about
brilliant movie has now sadly blended in with all these stupid
sequels that were cranked out one after another. Putting all that
aside, I must stress how much I love the ending to the original and
first Saw. I honestly believe and have said this many
times, if they had only made the first one it would have gone down as
one of the best thrillers since Se7en. The scene that
makes me the most emotional is what many fans like to call the 'love
scene' this is when at the very end Adam and Dr. Gordon are able to
crawl to the floor to each other. Both are bleeding and in pain and
try to give each other a little comfort. I always get chills when Dr.
Gordon tells Adam if he doesn't get help he'll bleed to death and
that he promises he'll come back. If you watch the other movies
you'll know why this is so sad. Poor Leigh Whannell...
scene that always gets to me is when Helen crawls out from the
burning mountain of trash, clutching the infant and bringing him to
his mother. Just seeing what pure Hell Helen went through and how
nobody believed her. I hate how badly burned and in pain she is and
how everyone watches in stunned silence. Then her funeral in which
her asshole of a husband brings his lover to and how all the people
of those apartment buildings come to pay their respects, throwing the
hook down against her coffin. Very sad and very tragic.
Bubba Ho-Tep
movie has grown on me over the years and I find it to really be a
truly amazing movie (I mean come on now, it's from the same director
as Phantasm) I always get misty eyed at the very end when Elvis is
laying down dying looking at the stars and sees the 'All is well'
message. If you're an Elvis fan like me you can't help but choke up.
can't express how much I love this movie. Maybe it's because I love
John Cusack. Any who, I always cry a little when Cusack's character
realizes what's truly going on and snaps out of it going back to the
motel. I love the shot of him standing there with his hands out
feeling the rain and slowly going back. I always loved the shot of
him grabbing Paris and whispering in her ear “Stay here
Paris...stay here.” After the big shootout one of my all time
favorite lines from a movie is spoken here. In fact one day as odd as
this sounds, I would love to get it tattooed on me. It's when Cusack
is laying in the rain and Paris leans over him sobbing asking where
he went and what he saw. There he stares up and her and says “I
saw...I saw you in and Orange Grove.”
The Dead Zone
want to know what it's like to be kicked in the face? Watch this
movie. It seriously hits you when you're all ready down. The scene
that really killed me was when Johnny's old love comes to his door
when he's with a student with her new husband. Just the music and how
Johnny tries his hardest to put on a strong face before shutting the
door. I love how the student asks what's wrong and how Johnny just
grabs and hugs him, looking for any human comfort.
King strikes yet again! I believe it or not enjoy the film
Firestarter much more than the novel. I think a big
part of this had to do with the acting and the theme. As cheesy as
this sounds and I've brought up the ending to this movie many times,
I always get a little emotional during the ending scene when Charlie
is finally brought to the press to tell her story. You sorta know
things aren't going to turn out good for her (forget the shit sequel)
but I always love her telling her father she's finally doing it
before walking inside.
The Exorcist III
when horror was elegant and beautiful, The original Exorcist
was a prime example of this. There's so many sad moments in
that movie but I think the last fifteen minutes truly is what made
it. In part III (Which I believe is one of the best thriller's ever
made) the very ending scene always makes me cry. First off there's
all this brilliant buildup (such as the scene where the nurse
explains how the patient only used that certain voice once before) or
when the patient explains how old he was when he died. This is a
haunting movie with an even more bitter sweet tragic ending. I love
the ending lines in the cell after all the madness has stopped. “Bill
now! Shoot me now!” and “We won free me” If you ever
want to listen to a beautiful soundtrack, listen to the ending music
of this movie.
I'm a baby...where's the tissues. Next thing you'll know I'll be
crying over Jason wearing his hockey mask in one of the Friday
The 13th's. I mean I'm all ready thinking about Manhunter
and how there's like ten million scenes in that one movie
alone that could have made this list. I'm so out of control it isn't
even funny!
I'm sure I'm going to think of ten million more movies that make me
very emotional so stay tune for a part 2!