Sunday, November 19, 2017

Top favorite Galligan pieces from my collection.

Top favorite Galligan pieces from my collection.

It's the most wonderful time of year. Yep, that's right!


Here are my favorite pieces from my collection all having to do with Mr. Zach Galligan!

1) Zach's personal Waxwork/Waxwork II blu-ray signed.
- This piece is most near and dear to my heart. I'm sure it isn't a secret how much I love the Waxwork movies. Back in 2013 I started trying to gain support in having both movies get SE blu-ray releases. Three years later that dream became a reality thanks to both Michael and Heather. Last year at Rock & Shock Zach surprised me by giving me his very own personal copy of the movies that was sent to him from the studio. Not afraid to admit I cried like a baby after receiving this. gift. ever.

2) Zach's Waxwork II crew shirt.
- Just a week after first meeting Zach in Florida, I attended a benefit auction held by Adam Green called The One Fund which several actors, directors, and crew members were donating things to raise money for the Boston Marathon Bombings that had taken place earlier that spring. The next night Adam was screening Hatchet III in the city with the cast as well. I went to both events and ended up winning Zach's very own personal Waxwork II crew shirt he received back in 92 after shooting the music video that plays over the film's end credits. I watched this shirt like a hawk and ended up getting it. Legit coolest item I own. The fact I own this makes me still speechless.

3) Tales from The Crypt artwork
- Back in 2013 my talented friend Tara whipped up this piece for me based off my all time favorite Tales From The Crypt episode starring Zach. I loved this piece so much it inspired me to even get Zach's character tattooed on me. Tara did this using ONLY colored pencils! I have since had Zach and the actor who voices the Crypt Keeper to sign both.

4) Waxwork II VHS from Japan
- I'm a sucker for artwork. I've always felt that the Waxwork II poster always fell flat for such an epic movie. It wasn't until I stumbled upon a release from Japan that I knew I had to have it. Thanks to eBay I know own this gorgeous tape that sits proudly in my Waxwork display in my den. I have several copies of this movie, but this tape hands down is my favorite. 

4) Mark Loftmore artwork
- My good friend Travis designed this awesome Waxwork II based artwork of Zach back in 2015. It's still one of my favorite pieces he's done for me. Travis is one HELL of an artist and is the man responsible for designing our blog's very own logos. I've had Travis work on countless pieces for me, but this one really stands out. I plan on someday in the future to get Travis to design Zach from the first Waxwork for me!

6) Mortal Passions DVD
- Mortal Passions is a huge guilty pleasure of mine. It's actually a pretty decent thriller Zach made in the late 80's. I own this movie both on VHS and DVD. It's a rare gem, but really worth checking out. Fun fact about this movie, Zach told me using a scene where he's screaming, he yelled so loud he blew out some of his vocal cords, which resulted in his raspy voice in his next film Psychic. 

7) Surviving novel
- Surviving is a really great made for TV movie made in the 80's with an all star cast dealing with some heavy subject matter. I found it through a made for TV movie website, but was also able to track down the novel based off this film a few years back. Super depressing, but very well written. In fact, Surviving was the first movie that kicked off the very first Galligangiving!

Happy Galligangiving!!!

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