Wednesday, November 23, 2016

5 reasons why Psychic is a great movie!!!

 5 reasons why Psychic is a great movie!!!

With Galligangiving in full swing, we'll slowly be closing things up with two more posts, which include the killer Galligan themed giveaway. We are currently onto Gremlins 2 for our Galligan movie marathon, which showcases some great 1990's work from Zach. One often overlooked movie of his from that decade is Psychic. A film that tells the tale of Zach playing Patrick, a young college student from New England who is what people call a touch-known. Patrick has the gift of second sight, which is both a blessing and a curse. Patrick begins having vivid nightmares about young women who are getting brutally raped and murdered. Here Patrick's focus on attempting to have a normal life as well as winning the heart of a teacher of his when he notices that these dreams are becoming a reality, These women are really being found murdered around town. Blacking out, and beginning to sleepwalk, Patrick is determined to solve these murders before he becomes framed himself. 

Here are five reasons why this movie is amazing, and worth checking out!!!

1) VHSPS carries it and the menu is so catchy!!!

- My all time favorite company VHSPS carries movies taken straight from VHS tapes onto DVD. Sadly Psychic hasn't gotten the blu-ray treatment yet, so head over to VHSPS to grab a copy of this wonderful thriller. Also the menu features the most catchy theme song ever. "Psychicccccccc magicccccccc!"

2) Features a male psychic.
- Besides really The Dead Zone, more than often in film we see females as the psychics. I feel a reason why I love both The Dead Zone and Stephen King's Rose Red is because they actually feature male psychics. In this one, we have our lead of Patrick brilliantly played by Zach.

3) Great chemistry between the two leads.
- Thanks to stellar performances by Zach and Catherine we get a not so typical couple/love story we're not used to seeing. Here we see a slightly older woman working as a professor at a New England college, who catches the eye of the handsome mysterious student. This was a very interesting love triangle and I loved seeing these two act opposite of each other. Love that they do the convention circuit now. I've had Zach so far sign by VHS tape, now all I need is her!

4) Interesting ending.
Yes the snowplow scene is laughable, as is the ending line. Still, this movie is a pretty tense murder mystery with some great moments. I sorta wish they went with the typical twist that everyone seems to do now, but still I did enjoy watching this character use his talent to try and figure out who's committing these murders, and how to stop them before his girlfriend is the next victim. 

5) Perfect movie to watch around this time of year.
Certain movies for no reason at all just seem perfect for certain months. For me, just a few examples are Amityville 4 I watch during the spring, Jaws, I watch around the 4th of July, for November it's Psychic. Maybe because I first watched this movie around this time of year, but it's now become a tradition (mostly because of Galligangiving) that I find myself popping this baby in. Hey, what says nice cold water and Thanksgiving more than a much of murdered co-eds?!

Happy Galligangiving!!!

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