Monday, September 7, 2015

Horror/Halloween challenge!

 Horror/Halloween challenge! 

1) Favorite item in your collection? 
- That's a tough one. i would have to say most likely it's Zach Galligan's very own crew shirt from Waxwork II. I think it's safe to say I'm the world's biggest Waxwork fan, so owning Zach's very own shirt he received back in 1992 for working on this film is beyond an honor! I also LOVE my The Hills Have Eyes mondo print! It's stunning!!!

2) Favorite Scream Factory release? 
- I down right adored the SE of Nightbreed with the original cut, as well as the Lord Of Illusions release last October and November. I also really liked their Body Bags, The Nest, The Burning, Night Of The demons, Prince Of Darkness, and the Witchboard release. I really love the new artwork most of the discs get, as well as the killer looking menus. My favorite menu so far has to be the Prince Of Darkness one!

3) Favorite DVD/blu-ray release from another company so far this year?
- Arrow Video is seriously becoming one of my favorites. Their Society release was beyond mind blowing! I also pre-ordered their Blood Rage blu-ray release which I'm completely sparked on. I just hope they re-release their UK editions such as Pieces and Dawn Of The Dead.

4) DVD/Blu-ray set or collection you are hoping to buy?
- Scream Factory's Halloween set. I all ready own these movies on DVD and as much as I love them (well, some of them) I really can't justify re-buying them all over again for 130/150$. I'm sorta playing the waiting game until these babies drop down. Call me a cheap skate but out of all the slasher series, Halloween I feel can wait. Still I'm itching to buy part III alone. Which reminds me, I all ready own part II on blu-ray. So do I really wanna re-buy the same movie again? Hummm, choices, choices…I think whatever does end up happening that Halloween II blu-ray will end up in a killer gift bag I'll be giving away sometime in the future. We'll see. Another one is the Friday the 13th tin box set. Another series I own endless copies of. I really want to buy the original on blu-ray since I have seen it in HD before. Still, I just can't seem to bring myself to shell out the 80 or 100 bucks for it. Another set I'm just going to wait and see if the price drops. Besides I heard part 7 in the set wasn't uncut, and the tin box scratched up all the discs! What a rip off!

5) Favorite vinyl release? 
- Just recently I got into collecting vinyl after owning several records for years without a player (The Friday the 13th the series soundtrack, and well as the Dangerously Close soundtrack.) I finally broke down and got a great record player and began slowly grabbing soundtracks to some of my all time favorite films. I have a pretty decent collection so far and of course my two favorite companies I've been collecting from has to be Waxwork Records (love the name!) and Death Waltz. I would say so far my favorites have been the Chopping Mall soundtrack (I might honestly be the only person who down right loved the artwork to this release.) and the Creepshow and Nightbreed soundtracks. I was uber bummed when I found out the public weren't getting the Peloquin release (um, I have this character tattooed on me, so I was a wee bit upset.) Still, I was able to snag the Decker release which is beyond awesome. I think that's why I like these companies, they have different selections for what sort of record you're buying. I still mourn the fact I didn't get the blood splattered cake edition for Creepshow!

6) Favorite person you've met at a convention?
- I have been very lucky with meeting people at shows. Some of the nicest so far have been Tom Atkins, Julian Sands (he he he…), the entire cast of The Monster Squad, and my favorite of course being Zach Galligan. Zach is my favorite actor of all time and I've met him several times. The first of which I flew all the way to Florida and was a little overwhelmed when I finally walked up to him. Zach is a total sweetheart in person and knows how crazy I am about the Waxwork movies. He's always a huge treat to talk to, and humors me by doing the famous trapped in the barrier pose from Waxwork. Love him!

7) Somebody you've yet to meet but know you would be beyond overwhelming seeing at a show?
- Toss up between Sam Raimi (I would seriously just die) or John D LeMay from Jason Goes To Hell and Friday the 13th the series. Words really can't explain how much I love D LeMay, but as a massive fan of Friday the 13th the series, this guy was a huge part of my life growing up. I mean I named my damn dog after him! I'm planning "fingers crossed" on finally getting my Friday the 13th the series tattoo which I hope he'll be able to see in person someday!

8) Horror movie you love but everyone hates?
- Wes Craven's Deadly Friend and Jason Goes To Hell. Both are actually really good movies. Sorta guilty pleasures of mine, but always a first choice of mine whenever I have to pick a movie.

9) Favorite horror themed T-shirt?
- If I can't pick my Waxwork shirts I own, I gotta go with the Raimi brothers T-shirt from Fright Rags. I was lucky enough to be one of the few to be able to snag a hoodie of this. I love it so much it's legit falling apart on me! I own just a few hoodies but the Fright Rags ones are so comfy. I've been meaning to break down and just buy another one soon before the fall weather comes in. Nothing says fall more than wearing a hoodie!

10) Top 5 favorite slashers?
- Intruder, The Mutilator, Pieces, Prom Night, Sleepaway Camp.

11) 5 fairly unknown movies you highly recommend?
- Rejuvenator, Amityville 1992 It's About Time, The Kindred, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II, Pumpkinhead Ashes To Ashes.

12) Favorite thing to do around the fall? 
- Fall is a pretty big deal on the East Coast (I live just a half an hour away from Salem MA.) I guess I like doing what everyone else likes to do. I love seeing the weather change (which I can't wait for, it feels like a swamp here.) seeing the leafs change, doing makeup work, decorating, going to conventions, and being able to watch killer horror movies non-stop on TV. I'm truly looking forward to this time of year! In fact, I adore Adam Green's movies (the Hatchet films.) I can't wait to start watching the second season of Scary Sleepover! A must for any horror fan!

13) Favorite kill ever in a horror movie? 
- Hands down Glen's death in the original Nightmare On Elm Street. I don't think anyone will be able to capture how brutal that death was!

14) Favorite movies that get you into the Halloween mood?
- Of course the Halloween movies, The Midnight Hour, Pumpkinhead and Pumpkinhead Ashes To Ashes, Digging Up The Marrow, Popcorn, and Night Of The Demons!

15) Favorite Halloween candy?
- I'm a simple gal. Candy corn. Boom! Drops the mic!

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