Monday, October 16, 2017

20 times Ryan Dallion from Friday the 13th the series was a fashion icon.

 20 times Ryan Dallion from Friday the 13th the series was a fashion icon.
This past weekend we were treated to quite the treat. Not only did we have a Friday the 13th, we got a Friday the 13th in October! Horror fans rejoiced and celebrated in style. I myself made sure I watched my favorite Friday the 13th the series episodes, and loved the fact that so many friends from the horror community were posting about doing the same. Here a huge percentage of us all agreed. John D LeMay's character Ryan Dallion was a fan favorite, and sported some serious awesome fashion choices over the course of the show's run. Here are some of the best examples...

- Serving monk fashion forward realness. I think it's a complete riot that Micki tried to pretend to be a man this whole episode with her hood up. Ha!

- Nothing says 1987 more than a yellow suit jacket.

- My favorite out of this entire list. Love the anchor sweater and newsboy hat. In fact Ryan's sweaters deserve to have an article all on it's own. They are truly the most adorable part of this character's wardrobe.

- Always give credit to a person who goes the extra mile for Halloween. Love the light up mask that hangs behind his head. 

- Ryan Dallion, always and forever being extra.

- Love this episode where Ryan pulls a 21 Jump Street and dresses as a teen to try and get the cursed compact. Can we also take a second and talk about what a beating he takes in this episode. Damn!

- Here Ryan serves a very Don Johnson like look with his Miami Vice white suit. Love it.

- One thing that was realistic about this show was how certain T-shirts of Ryan's made multiple appearances. Some of the designs were pretty downright awesome. Wonder if D LeMay got to keep any...

- Country plaid fashion forward realness.

- Great winter jacket but what really pulls it together is the fact he's tied up with children's jump ropes. Ha!

- What is the pattern on that sweater? They look like elephants or turtles...

- Long before Jeffery Dean Morgan rocked leather jackets on The Walking Dead, Mr. D LeMay set this trend and did it with style.

- More amazing T-shirts!

- Torn jeans. Always loved Ryan's looks next to Micki's. To think, hipsters would rock the HELL out of these outfits now. Maybe even Jacks (sling and all)

- Patterns for dayz. 

- Even when he's beaten to holy Hell he still looks cool!

- Mr. Dallion always pulled off the T-shirt and suit jacket over in a very flawless way.

- I mean really, there are no words. How can someone still look this cool and be dressed as an 1800th century farmer?!

- Ryan Dallion MVP of Curious Goods.

- Love ya Johnny, but you will never be able to match this man's style. Who else can return from Hell and still look this cool?!

This article is a huge shoutout to Mr. John D LeMay. I adore Friday the 13th the series, and most of all the Ryan Dallion character (I plan on getting some tattoos soon based off my favorite cursed objects) I love this show so much I even named my dogs after John and Robey. Thank you Mr. Dallion for these iconic fashion choices that downright screamed the 1980's. Stay tuned in the future for a whole post about Ms. Foster's amazing fashion statements!

1 comment:

  1. Ha.....loved the article. Ryan was such a fascinating character.
