Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Happy 22nd Anniversary Amityville 1992!

Happy 22nd Anniversary Amityville 1992!

Twenty-two years ago today on July 16th 1992 the sixth sequel in the Amityville horror series was released on video. This being Amityville 1992 It's About Time. I'm sure anyone who reads this blog knows how much I love this sequel. In fact, right after the Waxwork movies and Christine this is a movie I down right adore and love everything about. This is a film I've reviewed, talked about, and posted about several times in the past.

I guess the reason why I love it is the fact for the 6th movie in the series it gives some of the pervious and even original movie a run for it's money. In fact after part II, I would say this is the best in the series. Sure it's a little cheesy and dated, but the KNB effects still stand up, as does the creepy cursed clock. Just last month I had Nathan Milliner from Scream Factory do a custom sketch of my favorite scene from the movie between Megan Ward (Lisa) and Damon Martin (Rusty) where the possessed sister comes onto her brother uttering by far my favorite line in the entire series "Oh God Rusty it's so horrible!" "What is?" "That your my brother." Before licking his ear. Yep, I'm a sicko.

I even have them as the background of my phone.

My friend Jeanette was cool enough to meet Megan Ward for Chiller this past April and have her sign my laserdisc of this movie and answer some questions about the movie/cast for me. 

In fact, I even plan on getting a tattoo based off this movie sometime in the near future. 

I feel the only other person who shares the same kind of love for this movie is John from Freddy In Space. This is a movie along with Waxwork that I try my hardest to get people to watch. It's a must in my eyes and one of the best sequels ever made.

I have fond memories renting this baby as a kid and would have loved to see these awesome video boxes released at video stores back in 92 when it was first released. In fact going through some of my old Fangorias I noticed that Amityville The Next Generation was going to be called Amitville 1993. Would have loved that!

So happy anniversary Amityville 1992! I'll be watching you tonight! 

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