Sunday, October 1, 2017

Annual Halloween Dollar Store Challenge!!!

 Annual Halloween Dollar Store Challenge!!!

Oh it's that time again! Yep, the annual Halloween Dollar Store Challenge!!!

This year I decided to bring my friend Mike with me for this little adventure. The rules were simple. I find the worst dollar store e-v-e-r in the worst neighborhood. I take 10 bucks, he takes 10 and we go our separate ways and get 10 super cool Halloween items. 

Disclaimer, I was very hungover doing this so the moment we pulled up to this fancy dollar store in the worst neighborhood possible, my head was pounding and I died when Mike noticed the sign up front and said...

"Oh wow look, they sell frozen food!"
Some hot ticket items. Yum!

Once we went in there was a ton of unsupervised children running around wearing masks, and the smell of pork lingering in the air. Handing Mike a crisp 10 dollar bill, I took my basket and said God speed as we split up. Afterwards we checked out, hurried back to the car hoping not to get mugged or shot, and headed back to the Staystillreviews headquarters to dive into our treats!

Pure Halloween gold.

So once we got home we decided to pop in some of the Halloween episodes from Tales From The Darkside as background noise. We sat down and dumped our over sized bags to see what we got.
I ended up getting another cool pair of eyeball earrings. I discovered these little babies last year and love picking them up for friends. They are made with sequins (is that how you spell that?) and glitter. Super adorable, and a must for any gal to wants to jazz it up for Halloween season. I love eyeballs. In fact I constantly am on the move trying to find as many eyeball items this time of year. Speaking of eyeballs I also got this killer eyeball ring. It's plastic and fits on my little finger (since I have sausage fingers) but what's cool about this ring is that it has an on/off switch and lights up green, red, yellow, and blue. Pretty cool for a cheap piece of dollar store jewelry. Making it a point to go back and snag a few more for friends. I also got a giant sequin eyeball pen. It has feathers and looks like a drag queen costume. I also got a cool vintage looking pumpkin (love decorations that look like they belong in the 70's and 80's) A red skeleton ghoul, a plastic pumpkin trick r treat bag, a set of floating eyeballs that I guess you use as a gag gift and put in people's coffee (...) 3 plastic pumpkins that open up, and my favorite a plastic lantern that flickers and lights up. I noticed in other dollar stores decorations that light up and flicker are really big this year. In fact yesterday I stopped by the much cleaner dollar store near my house and picked up a purple owl that's covered in glitter and has glowing orange eyes. 

All in all I feel my pick ups had a bit of a theme as well as being cool. Stay tuned later this month for my updated giveaway where I'll be tossing some of these items in for prizes!!!

These were Mike's (...)

This goes to show you, don't let this guy be alone in a dollar store. 

Mike bought many duplicates. He got two huge glitter skulls that you can hang on a wall. He held it up to his face and his exact words were "Look Stacy, you can wear it as a mask." I just stared at him blankly. He also got two pretty cool Friday the 13th shot glasses. Something I feel we'll be using this month's Friday the 13th getting white girl wasted. He got a plastic skull, two of the same pumpkins that look like they belong in the 80's, a fuzzy coffin that says RIP AND 3 count them 3 ghouls you can hang.  Man oh Man Mike, there are no words. 

We continued watching Halloween themed episodes, happy with our finds. I'm hoping to do this again at a better Dollar Store, less hungover, and watching Mike (I swear he was like a kid on Christmas buying those ghouls which he told me he's hanging all around his apartment. Dear Lord...)

After that we put in one of my personal favorites When A Stranger Calls Back. Here we did a taste test of Boo Berry Cereal. All of my bowls were in a dishwasher so we ate it out of solo cups. (I lead a fancy life.) The cereal was decent, sugary, but yummy. Reminded me of Trix (is that the same of it?) and was good with milk or dry. Never been a huge cereal fan, but this was good stuff.

Happy October 1st everyone!!!

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