Friday, November 17, 2017

Top 5 Amityville movies.

 Top 5 Amityville movies.
Earlier this week I was reminded that on November 13th 1974 the original Amityville murders took place. Strangely I always find myself watching the original 3 films a lot around this time of year. I've loved the film series for years, one of the films even being in my top five favorite movies of all time. The murders that took place all those years ago still puzzle me. Was it really the son? Was it the daughter? Was it both of them? Was it the mob? The devil? I guess we'll never know. With the latest film in the series legit making less than 1000$ I think it's safe to say the glory days of this series may be long gone. Still, tonight I pay tribute to my top 5 favorite films from the series.

5) Amityville The New Generation
- This was the follow up to my favorite in the series Amityville 1992 It's About Time. If you go back in old issues of Fangoria this was originaly supposed to be called Amityville 93 New Generation. I for one think that title would have been pretty cool! This is a fun early 90's entry in the series and in my eyes the last actual decent film for the rest of the next twenty or so years for it. We get another cursed object, a mirror. Moving gears to a busy city where an apartment building filled with artist soon begin to fall victim due to this latest piece from the famous house. This has an all star cast, again decent effects, a connection to the original murders, and a pretty decent watch. I just wish they had expanded on 92 and brought back Megan Ward and Damon Martin somehow. Still, the lead plays the asshole dad from the first season of Stranger Things!

4) The Amtiyville Horror
- Compared to films today, The Amityville Horror is a slow burn, but it really is a pretty frightening movie based off the famous novel. I always enjoyed the remake, but I feel this film captured the book best. Sure some of the effects are cheap (the blinking light eyes) but overall it's a pretty scary movie based off the family who moved into the famous house back in the early 1970's and how they didn't even last a month since they claimed it was haunted. Today we've learned the truth, but just hearing the story of how they ran out leaving everything behind always gets me. It's still on my bucket list to visit the real house even though I heard it's completely changed now (bummer!)

3) Amityville 4 The Evil Escape 
- This film is a tradition of mine to watch this movie every Good Friday. It legit makes zero sense, but without fail every year me and my friend Mike watch it, get drunk, and always die laughing. This was a made for TV movie from 89 with an all star cast that began to whole new location with the cursed objects. Sure the movie is cheesy, but it actually has a pretty good story, as well as a really cool location. Always worth checking out despite the lamp in this film having the longest cord ever at the end of the movie. Trust me, once you watch it you'll know what I'm talking about. 

2) Amityville II The Possession
- When people ask me what are some of the scariest or most unsettling horror movies I would show someone to scare them, the answer always narrows down to seven or so titles. Amityville II is always a title that comes to mind for that. They basically cranked everything up for this film and loosely did this prequel based off the real murders that took place in Long Island. We get incest, abusive, possession, temptation, and much much worse. This film deserves to stand next to The Exorcist. Also it's shot beautifully and truly doesn't get the respect it deserves!

1) Amityville 1992 It's About Time
- Hands down my favorite in the series as well as one of my all time favorite films ever. I mean I have a huge framed original poster of this movie in my house and it's the first thing you see when you answer the door. I truly believe I have the biggest Amtiyville 92 collection. I've met several cast members, and our very own blog's mascot Chip the movie loving kid was played by Damon Martin who played Rusty in this movie. This was a breath of fresh air that the series needed. It played into the fact that they wanted to switch things up with the whole cursed object thing. We got killer KNB effects, likable characters, and a pretty clever twist ending. My goal is basically to meet all cast members (mostly Damon) and have them sign my laser disc (all ready got two people on it!) If you haven't checked out this movie do it ASAP! Perfect example of the 90's actually being a great decade for horror!

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