Thursday, December 12, 2013

7 roles I know Zach Galligan would have ruled at part 1

 7 roles I know Zach Galligan would have ruled at.
I think it's pretty clear that Zach Galligan is my all time favorite actor. This blog is flooded with articles, lists, and posts explaining why exactly he's so awesome. In fact just this month I was even asked to guest write an article on Zach since it's pretty known knowledge on the inter webs that I'm a pretty big fan. 

Sadly tons of people often ask the same question over and over again "What happened to him?" He hit it big with the 1984 Christmas classic Gremlins, and later on appeared in the ever so awesome Waxwork, but after that? Well, Zach carried on a very impressive career, returning in the sequels to both Gremlins, and Waxwork. He appeared in some great thrillers and comedies, and as of lately some great independent work. In fact, this past summer Zach had an awesome comeback in the world of horror when he appeared in the last installment of the Hatchet series. Nowadays Zach is an acting teacher in New York, and still does the convention circuits. There's plenty of rumors floating around on if Galligan will make a cameo in the new Gremlins remake (blah) but for a true fan I really gotta hand it to Zach. Instead of going the way as so many child and teen stars did, battling drugs and God knows what else, Zach sorta rose above it and continued working a steady career in some great underrated titles as well as appearing in many popular television shows. Now at the age of fifty I feel Zach will continue working/teaching and hopefully appear in more horror movies. We've missed you Zach! We're still holding our breaths for Waxwork III! So as a total fan girl, here is my list of several roles I believe Zach would have owned if he had played in these films.

1) Ruben - Copycat
 Oh Copycat, such a great underrated thriller about serial killers. With an all star cast, I'm still pretty stunned that this movie sadly got lost in the mix back in 1995. As much as I like Dermot Mulroney in this role, I feel back in 95 this would have been perfect for Zach to play Ruben, the partner of Holly Hunter who is handsome, charming, and sadly meets a heartbreaking end that has NOTHING to do with the storyline. Galligan would have been I believe 29 or 30 when this movie was made so it matches up perfectly. Plus seeing the expression on his face when he's shot from behind...I would die.

2) Michael - The Lost Boys
Nothing against Jason Patric, I'm just not a fan. I believe had Zach appeared in this movie in 1987 it would have been perfect timing. He would have looked and acted the part, plus seeing Zach battle it out with Kiefer...awesome.

3) Ray - Jackie Brown
Nothing against Keaton, nothing at all. Still, I would die if Galligan ever got a chance to appear in a Taratino film. I feel that the character of Ray should have been slightly younger as the good cop who may or may not have a thing for Ms. Brown. Seeing Zach in this would have been a gas.

4) Pete - Body Bags
Love that David Naughton had a brief little cameo in this movie, but my inner Galligan fan wishes it could have been played by Zach. I mean how awesome would it be to be saved (sorta) by him in the middle of the night? "Sigh..." wishful thinking...

5) Wyane - The Gift
Love Greg Kinnear in what I believe is one of Sam Raimi's greatest films...still I really didn't buy how his character ended up being all about. Maybe I was still coming off from seeing him in As Good As It Gets. Still, I feel Galligan would have made this role charming as well as creepy.

6) Cotton - Scream 2
Oh Cotton, not only does he have a great name...his character goes down in a blaze of glory...well sorta in the opening of part 3. I think casting a more well name like Galligan would have been perfect. Sure in 95/96 having him have such a small cameo would have been ehhh, but you gotta remember Zach has made cameos before in even smaller films. I feel his development in part 2, and the epic ending of 3 would have been amazing. Zach would have played it even better than Schreiber I believe, and add more of a scumbag feel to it.

7) Mark Loftmore - Waxwork III Beyond The Gates Of Time
Hey...a girl can hope right?

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